Saturday, March 15, 2014

I'M OK!!

So here's the deal... transfers are hard. OVER IT. Until I have to leave again, I'm sure... Hahahaha I'm in Orem now (Adam, where do you live? I'm going to avoid that area at all costs... Haha) So first of all... My first day my companion shared this scripture at dinner, and it punched me RIGHT in the kisser! I LOVE IT!!

It's Acts 20:
3 And there abode three months. (I served in Spanish Fork for 3 months)
22 And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem (Orem), not knowing the things that shall befall me there:
23 Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. (It's going to take some getting used to, and it'll be hard)
24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. (I'm a SERVANT. I can't complain! My life isn't mine; I gave it back to its rightful owner a long time ago. This is what makes happy. And if I do it right (with focus and effort), it will always bring me happiness.)
31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears. (I'm spending 18 months in this work, full time. The plan is to wear out the term "full time," and to literally do it all the time.)
36 ¶And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. (Getting ready to leave, saying goodbyes, last visits)
37 And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul’s neck, and kissed him, (Well... I'm the one who cried, but whatever.)
38 Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him unto the ship. (Transfers are hard on the missionary and the members. Leave them on a good note (with a prayer!) reminding them why you were there in the first place.)

THANK YOU FOR THE PUNCH, PAUL. I love you, too. This is one of my favorite chapters in the NT now. It's awesome.

BUT, Heavenly Father knew I would need extra friends at transfers, so he EVEN let me see Elders Straub and Stevenson. I love them. They're like my brothers. I'm so glad I got to see them. It helped that I got to sit by them and cry instead of sitting by myself and cry when in the transfer chapel. Hahah TENDER MERCIES!!

Anyway, we're in a walking area, and I LOVE WALKING. I do miss the luxury of a car, and my upper back REALLY doesn't like walking, but I love it. I've wanted to be walking/on a bike since the beginning of my mission, and I finally am! Yesss :)

OH YEAH. So I get here, and my companion tells me all about this big event that our branch is putting on (by "the branch," she really meant her. She's organizing everything. SHE'S AWESOME.) We're doing the restoration pamphlet in music form. There's a song and testimony for each point of the pamphlet. It's going to be AMAZING!! Well, most of it is. There will be a cello, HARP!, flute, piano (obviously), and lots and lots of voices. I'm playing Savior, Redeemer of my Soul which an Elder is singing, and we'll be accompanied by the flute. It's going to be brain blowing. I'm also going to be the testimony of the restoration/first vision/BoM, AND my companion and I are doing a duet for the last song about God answering prayers. I'm really nervous about that one, because we're splitting it, so I'm singing some parts solo... Did you know that I've never preformed before? Singing? Piano, easy. Singing? I'm going to faint. Haha There's two parts to that song, and I already know the song, so it just made sense for me to sing it with her. But dang, I'm nervous! Haha Everything except for the song I'm playing for will be in Spanish. It's going to be huge; potentially 200 people in attendance. And President McCune is coming with his wife, too. SHEESH, make me nervous why don't you!! Haha It's going to be really amazing though. It's on Friday, so we have all week to stress about it :)

I gave a talk in an English ward and most of my talk was reading the excerpt from Strengthened by the Storm about a special blessing (Bertha being healed). I've never made so much of a fool of myself! Hahaha I was crying the whole time. That's one of my favorite stories ever. Every time I read the verses in James, I always think of it :) :)

Dad, yesterday when we were at the house of an investigator, she asked us to help translate her IRS notice and Social Security statements and things, and it really bothered me that I didn't know what ANY of it meant IN ENGLISH. So I'm going to need you to teach me everything about taxes and stuff when I get home... I hate not knowing things... Hahaha

YES! The Keele's live in our area. My second day here we were meeting her at the chapel for something and when she walked in she said "You're here?!" I looked at her and said "...yep...?" She realized I didn't know who she was and said "Oh, you probably don't remember me. My husband was your dad's mission companion." Then everything made sense and I remembered her. She is amazing! She's come to a lesson with us, and is always always there to help. I love them! I hope I get to see the rest of the family.

Ummmm....... I don't know if I have anything else for you... I'm hoping that Spanish Fork will be having baptisms soon, because I want to see the people I taught get baptized! I love them so much. I really hope the sisters who took over our area are doing ok. We organized the heck out of our area book, and I left them a short explanation for every person we were teaching, so other than the overwhelming-ness of taking over someone's area, I think they should be ok... I love that ward! Hah But our stake and branch here are AMAZING. Heavenly Father keeps blessing me with amazing companions and areas, so I don't know what I'm going to do when that changes... Hahaha

OH, by the way my new companion, Hna Abellan, is from Barcelona, Spain. YESSS, another native speaker!! :) Haha

I LOVE YOU ALL. Don't worry when I send depressing emails at transfer time... I will always be ok and get over it. No stressing. Hahaha


Hermana Willis

Helping an Hermana in the ward set up her 3 year old's birthday party. IT WAS AMAZING. I've never had a party HALF as awesome as that. Hahaha She's going to do my wedding. I already told her :) Hahaha

This is me with my favorite Argentine investigator, and Argentine dog. I'm going to miss themmm!!!

Selfies with Elder Terron and my compi when we found out the sad news x(

My favorite lady about to ride away to Lehi... Meehhh :(

Our kitchen. I'm finally living like a poor missionary!! :D

This is when we were taking EVERYTHING out of out apartment (I say apartment... it was really just two bedrooms and a bathroom of the upstairs of a member's condo). Hna Morla found one of her WD bags and made me take a picture with it... EVEN THOUGH I LOOKED LIKE DEATH. I didn't wear makeup, and had been crying on and off all day. PICTURE TIME! Hahaha So yes... Tell WD I said hello :)

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