Sunday, April 27, 2014

No transfers, and lots of pictures!

Did I ever thank Jacob for the letter I got over a month ago? Because I did appreciate it! Haha

So, nobody's getting transferred here! We're both staying. Good thing, because we're carrying half the Easter program for the ward. The struggle of being musically talented.

This week it's been SO WARM, but then yesterday it got mega cold and windy... ihateveryone... It's ok, WARMTH IS COMING!

SHOUT OUT: Jessica Epperson, Sariah Swartz, Rachel Polley, Nate Livsey, Kylie O, and the rest of Jax institute... I LOVE AND MISS YOU! Y'all's awesome, and I miss your faces in my life.

Our RS president is an angel. Saturday morning, we didn't have any clean dishes (we have no sink, so they pile up for a week until we have time to go upstairs and use our landlady's kitchen to wash them), so I didn't eat breakfast. We were biking, and it was warm, so I was fixin to pass out... But then we went to our RS' house, and the first thing she said was "Quieren un liquido?" YES, I WOULD LOVE A SMOOTHIE. She put flax, chia, almonds... I was in weird people food heaven! So I didn't die that day... I love her :)

Saturday night, Henry got baptized! He's so coooool! It was an amazing baptism. He's so special. He's a rock solid member now. We were running around like headless chickens though... We had the baptism at 6, then stake conference at 7. HOLY SMOKES.

We had stake conference, which was cool. DO YOU KNOW HOW AWESOME PRESIDENT KEELE IS? He gave the boss-est talk in stake conference, and it was awesome. My companion also gave a talk in the Saturday night session, in English <---which was awesome. Then she sang Savior, Redeemer of My Soul while I played the piano, and a stake member played the cello. It would have been amazing if I didn't screw it up... It's ok though. I'm used to that, I always mess up. Nobody noticed though, so it's all good.

Not much happened this week... SORRY MY EMAIL IS SO SHORT! This is a weird change... Hahaha

I love you aaaallll!!!

Hna Willis

Here's a picture of the baptism! The tall American man is the one who invited him to hear from the missionaries. HE'S AWESOME. The one with glasses is our WML, the one in the suit is Henry, and the other one is Hno Diaz. They always let us have lessons in their house. I LOVE THEM ALL! Wooot :)

Did you know that I'm obsessed with family history? Because I am. I can't wait to blow up on it when I get home.

This is me and other members of the Diaz family. They're awesome! :)

They made big banners for stake conference... WELCOME TO UTAH!

So one time, I sat on a lawn chair, and it broke. Then I got this awesome bruise :)

This is me with the Diaz/Olivan family. They're amazing! And there seated next to me is Henry. He's awesome!

I still do hair! Ya tu sabes! She was so frustrated with her hair, and just wanted it UP. But her hair is literally super huge. But guess who could do it anyway! I could. Boom.

So you know how I love eco-friendly things? (I promise I'm not a closet liberal <--- no offense to liberals though, I'm just not). Well I FOUND THIS AWESOME PEN. Pilot pens are my favorite, and they came out with a pen made of water bottle plastic! Say whaatt?? Yes. It's my favorite pen now.

One of our STL's drew this. She's awesome. She's from Germany. Guess which is me! (Hint: I always have glasses on...)

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